Cue the Artist

Female artists in the music and film industry

Tag: Noah and the Whale

Wicked Wednesday : So singers perform in Black Cabs Now?

by kranARI

BLACK CAB SESSIONS started back in 2007 and to tell you the truth, I accidentally ran across them by on my favourite video site, vimeo. The sessions are what they say they are – simply music sessions featuring excellent artists in the back of a black cab, usually showing London as their backdrop. Though I tried to contact the owners to get permission to post more artists’s music, no one ever got back to me so I’ve decided to post links in order to view and fully appreciate this amazing concept. Click on the names where there is no video to go to the official Black Cab Sessions site.

Warning: Music in Cabs can make you dizzy. Don’t day I didn’t warn! Mind your head…

Noah and the Whale

Au revoir Simone

Laura Marling

Bon Iver

St Vincent




Johnny Flynn

Johnny Flynn

VV Brown

VV Brown

Jay Jay Pistolet


Pete and the Pirates


Martha Wainwright


Mumford and Sons

Mumford & Sons

Noah and The Whale / Laura Marling

Noah And The Whale

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Tuesday Tunes : Folk and the city

by kranARI

A great article on London’s growing folk scene called Folk Music in the city is what inspired me to write this post. I wanted to fill all you folkies in on how big this music genre has become over the past three years and what better way to do it than to introduce you to some of my favourite folk artists. If you want to see them live, I would sign up for their newsletters by clicking on their names below (this will take you straight to their official website) or you can check out this fab site – For Folk’s Sake – that has all the up and coming news on artists and gig reviews. Hope you enjoy.


noah and the whale with laura marling

These were the good old times when Laura Marling was a member of Noah and the Whale, not that their music has any less value now, but there was a certain sweetness to their band – four boys and a girl play 5 years time.


laura marling

Laura Marling wrote New romantic after breaking up with Noah and the Whale’s Charlie Fink. She then went on to become a solo act and is now dating Mumford and sons frontman Marcus Mumford. Seems like we’ve got a bit of folk incest going on here. For more information on Laura click on this previous links on the blog for Feature Friday : Laura Marling.


mumford and sons

Mumford and Sons have really taken off this year as you might have noticed with their massive posters covering the walls of several London underground stations. I experienced them for the first time at the Fee Fie Foe Fum Christmas Party along with a bunch of other folk bands including the following Peggy Sue and Jay Jay Pistolet.  I was blown away.  Here they sing Little Lion Man.



You can catch Peggy Sue’s live music on my Ray-Bans Balcony Sessions article and to supplement that I have for you here yet another awesome live performance of Watchman.


Jay Jay Pistolet

I’ll let Jay Jay Pistolet speak for himself and his music in this following clip where you can get a taster of his music . Here he is taped singing Happy Birthday You.

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