Cue the Artist

Female artists in the music and film industry

Tag: Stana Katic

Thursday for thought: Bring on the actor panels; a compilation of Paleyfest interviews

by kranARI


A good interviewer doesn’t only prepare interesting questions but also knows how to jump in and stand his or her ground in an interview. In these large panels it must be even harder to keep all cast members engaged, feeling included and produce interesting results so these are bits and bobs of my favourite panels that I wanted to share with all of you,  all gathered together in one place.

Paleyfest panels are starting again, March 1 to 15 so in an attempt to get into the Paley mood, here are some videos from last year to get you warmed up.

sophia vergara, ty Burell, Paleyfest PayleyFest-Once-Upon-a-TIme, jennifer morrison, josh dalas, ginnifer goodwin

All videos are property of The Paley Centre for media, which is kind of the equivalent of “Inside the Actor’s studio” for television. Paley hosts amazing panels for all kinds of shows like Parks and Rec, Castle, Community, New Girl, Modern Family and any other current successful network shows that seems to attract some great fandoms.

Castle, nathan Fillion, Stana Katic, Paleyfest


Stana and Nathan describe being handcuffed to each other for filming, I have to laugh about how they finish each other’s sentences…Penny Johnson (Captain Gates) talks about her induction into the series, she’s actually pretty funny!


Matt Bomer (Neal Caffrey) and the adorable Willie Garson discuss what it’s like working from day to day and what ultimately makes this show tick. After getting your Mozzie fix, I was surprised to find out the hilarious Marsha Thomason (who plays Diana) is actually from Manchester! The things you discover from watching interviews like this are amazing…


I love this clip of Sophia Vergara and Ed O’Neil talking about Gloria and Jay’s relationship. The most hilarious bit is the story about the dog and how Sophia and therefore Gloria end up hating the dog on the show…


Jennifer Morrison animately talks about how her character Emma will come to slowly accept Henry’s story book reality. Then, toys with the idea that kissing every character might bring back memories of who they truly are. Lana Parilla describes bringing her characters to life through costume and how her ass keeps growing with every fitting…


Hugh Laurie (House), Jesse Spencer (Chase) and Jennifer Morisson (Cameron) talk about how their acting styles affected each other’s performances. It’s fun to watch the banter amongst the cast.


In this clip, the beautiful Heather Morris talks about dancing in front of Britney Spears twice and the pop stars’ inability to make the connection. She excitedly describes how amazing it was to “fake vomit” on her birthday for the show while performing a Ke$ha number.

Wicked Wednesday : Winter warmers end with our fave TV shows of the season

by kranARI


Once Upon a time cast at C

Once Upon a time has become my winter discovery and let me just say, how perfect of a winter saver it has been. The show brings back childhood memories of Grimm and other fairy tales and puts a classic spin on things. What I love about this show is the vast imagination that goes into the writing and how all characters especially the villains are given a human side relatable to all. Did I also mention the really hot cast? Read a good review of the show on Silver Screen Rave.


photo courtesy of ScreenRant

If I’ve manage to intrigue you with talk about Zero Dark Thirty, you should give Homeland a try. Even though Showtime’s current season has come to an end, feel free to brush up on older episodes because let me tell you, this show will ROCK YOUR WORLD! Accept the possibility that you will be having a relationship with Claire Danes’ wobbly chin and dine in! Both Danes, Damian Lewis (the most evil / loveable antagonist you’ll ever meet) and the show have lots of awards to prove their worth but take my word for it, make yourself a cup of herbal tea, cause your heart will be beating too fast for its own liking and sit back and enjoy.


castle tv guide nathan fillion stana katic

property of TV Guide

And when Homeland has made you curl up in a ball of nerves, just change the channel and watch something lighter like Castle. Yes, the past few seasons have been full of angst but this current one is one loved up, humorous taste of heaven. Yes, let’s analyse this Stana Katic obsession.


One of the most understated shows of the year is probably the US version of Sherlock. With gripping story lines and the unique characterisation by Jonny Lee Miller in the role of Sherlock, the show has successfully managed to quickly become a weekly favourite of mine. It’s dark, yet witty with a tinge of humour and some real angst is starting to develop between its two main characters Watson (played by Lucy Liu) and Sherlock. What a clever idea the creators had to pick a female Watson opposite Miller’s Holmes and I’ve been even more pleased recently to discover some of Lucy Liu’s hidden talents. A very interesting analysis on Elementary if you ‘re keen to check it out is written by Miss Alexandrina in this well thought out psychological piece.

Moody Monday : Geek is Chic

by kranARI

Most people would agree that geeks are endearing. I’m not referring to “fake geeks”- you know, people who wear over sized specs for fashion but actually have brains filled with fluff. I’m talking about real geeks, people whose eyes glimmer when they talk about something they love and feel slightly guilty about loving it. Now whether that interest is called science, sewers, comics or cinema, I personally find it endearing to see someone I love GEEK OUT at any given moment. I read a great article last week on Freshly Pressed, called Top 10 Romantic movies for Geeks which inspired me to write about and present you with an amusing photo collection which just might make you geek out, Kristen Bell style.


Ksenia Solo, Lost Girl, Black Swan


zoie palmer, lost girl, the guard


courtesy of The Mind Reels

anna silk, Lost Girl, Nicorrette commercial, Being Erica


Of course, any of you who know the show, know that Lauren’s character (aka Zoie Palmer) is the epitome geeky. She plays scientist who is otherwise adorable, cool, collected and just plain hot. Now we can all Geek out to this wonderful Canadian sci-fi show in the US as well. I am so excited my favorite characters are back (aka: Kenzi and Lauren) so now the fandoms can finally find out what happens to Doccubus (Bo & Lauren ) or Bo & Dyson. Read a fun interview at the TV Watchtower to find out more about the show.


Angie Harmon, Rizzoli and Isles, Law and Order


courtesy of Angie Harmon’s Twitter page

Stana Katic on Castle


jennifer beals, chicagoo code, the l word


heather peace on Lip Service

HEATHER PEACE on Lip Service

 courtesy of HeatherPeaceFans

Gillian Anderson Esquire Magazine


property of Esquire Magazine, courtesy of Girl with a Pen

Cops can be pretty geeky in their own kind of way right? I mean they geek over cases for weeks, months, years, they know weird facts that normal people have never heard of and they’re kind of reclusive. There is definitely something very appealing about all of this but God forbid you fall for a cop cause I’ll bet you you’ll never get to see them…So there you have it, Angie Harmon from Rizzoli and Isles, Stana Katic from Castle, Heather Peace from Lip Service, Gillian Anderson from the epic The X Files and Jennifer Beals from The Chicago Code. Anyone I forgot? Feel free to add onto the list…